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Affordable Housing: Does the proposal meet the threshold for affordable housing?
Agricultural Land: Does the Site contain Grade 1, 2 or 3A Agricultural land?
Agricultural Land: Will there be a net loss in agricultural land?
Air Quality: Is the Site in or within 10 metres of an Air Quality Management Area?
Air Quality: Is it a potentially polluting or traffic generating development?
Archaeology: Is the Site within an Area of Archaeological Interest?
Biodiversity: Is the proposal exempt from Biodiversity Net Gain?
Biodiversity: If yes, are Statutory Biodiversity Credits proposed?
Biodiversity: Is the proposal likely to impact on protected species?
Biodiversity: If a Biodiversity Preliminary Appraisal has been completed, is there a need for further protected species surveys?
Community Infrastructure Levy: Is the Community Infrastructure Levy relevant in this authority?
Drainage: Is non-mains drainage proposed?
Employment: Will there be any loss of employment?
Fire Safety: Will the proposed building(s) be 18 metres or more in height, or comprise 7 or more storeys?
Flood Risk and Surface Water: Is the Site in Flood Zone 2 or 3?
Heritage: Is the proposal likely to affect the setting or existence of a heritage asset?
Contamination: Is the Site in or within 250m of a former landfill site or is the Site known to be contaminated?
Landscape and Visual Impact: Is the Site within a Site of Special Scientific Interest or a National Landscape (formerly Area of Outstanding Natural Beauty)?
Lighting: Does the proposal involve floodlights?
Marketing: Does the proposal involve the loss of a community facility?
Noise: Does the Site adjoin a railway line?
Nutrient Neutrality: Is nutrient neutrality relevant?
Structural Survey: Does the proposal involve the conversion of a rural building to a non-agricultural use?
Technical Specifications: Does the proposal involve any plant and equipment (e.g. Air Source Heat Pumps, solar panels, air conditioning units, etc)?
Trees: Is the proposal likely to affect: (1) trees that are covered by a Tree Preservation Order, or (2) trees located within a Conservation Area, or; (3) veteran trees, or; (4) Ancient Woodland (for the latter this involves development within 15 metres of an Ancient Woodland)
Financial Contributions: Does the proposal intend on meeting the full need for any financial contributions and affordable housing?